In 2011, Christopher joined the Floyd County Productions team, working on television programs such as Archer and Marvel’s Hit-Monkey. He was 3D Environment Lead during Archer’s Emmy winning season. During his time at the company, he headed the 3D department, contributing to a wide range of projects, assisting in the team efforts which led to Archer winning three additional Emmys, four Critics Choice awards, two Clios and an OFTA. In the field of illustration, he produced the children’s books Le grand livre des Guerriers and Le grand livre des Cow-Boys et des Indiens, and worked on a variety of table top game projects like Weird Wars, Deadlands, Legends of the Five Rings, Dungeons and Dragons and many, many more. He also produced box art for the GI Joe and Transformers Collector’s Clubs. More recently, he worked at Hi-Rez Studios as Senior Producer on Paladins. Christopher has also turned his attention to writing projects. Valhollywood, his first novel, is currently on sale. When he isn’t working or writing, he enjoys watching classic films, traveling with his wife, MarKay to see great architecture, spending time with his sons, or introducing his grandsons to Godzilla movies.